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CONTESTS >> Anything Goes Trivia

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Fri, February 7, 2025

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World Famous Comics Weird U.S. Art Contest

Based on the best-selling book of the same name, The History Channel's new Monday night series, Weird U.S., is a deliciously demented tour of offbeat American history. Authors and hosts Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran scour the country in search of the bizarre, the unexplained, and the really strange historical stories that never got into the history books, because, as they say, "history is full of weirdos." Some of the people and places they encounter are disturbing, others hilarious, but all are very weird. Episode guide and additional info at

Hosts Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran, known as "the Marks", are the publishers of Weird NJ Magazine, which documents New Jersey's less celebrated history and tourist attractions. The Weird US television series follows the cult success of Weird NJ Magazine as well as their best-selling books Weird NJ and Weird U.S.

To celebrate the debut of this new series and to remind our site visitors to tune every Monday night, we had a World Famous Comics Weird U.S. Art Contest with prizes provided by the History Channel. We asked our site visitors to create for us a piece of art that is inspired by a strange or unusual American legend or myth.

Graham Ganson
Smithville, TX

Graham's "Mountain Man" illustration wins him a copy of the Weird U.S. best-selling book, a History Channel T-Shirt, the History Channel's UFO DVD and a voodoo doll.
Weird USHistory Channel T-Shirt History Channel UFO DVD
voodoo doll

Great illustrations inspired by Bigfoot, Champ, the Mothman, the Headless Horseman and the UFOs and cows lore!

Entry 1 Entry 3 Entry 4 Entry 5 Entry 6

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World Famous Comics Weird U.S. Art Contest

World Famous Comics is the sole owner of information collected from this contest. World Famous Comics will not sell, share or rent this information with possible exception to the winner(s) of this contest, who's postal address(es) will be shared with the company issuing the prize(s) for the purpose of shipping and distributing the item(s) won.

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