
The moment has come for all proud dog owners to show the digital world what their dog can do. DogShowUSA.com gives America's best friends the opportunity to take center stage in this first-ever, online-only dog show competition for mutts, purebreds and crossbreeds alike.
Produced by NBC Universal and presented by Purina, Dog Show USA gives the average dog a chance to strut their stuff and compete for "Best in Show" in addition to a wide range of fun categories including "Cutest Dog," "Owner Look-Alike" and "Best Dog Trick." The broadband site allows participants to load video and photo entries in a virtual exhibition of canine prowess.
To celebrate the launch of Dog Show USA, we had an art contest and asked our site visitors to create for us an illustration of their favorite comic book, comic strip, movie or TV canine for prizes provided by NBC Universal.

Leah Mangue
Palm Desert, CA

Edward Pun
Bothell, WA

Graham Ganson
Cedar Creek, TX

Jeremy James
Indianapolis, IN

Warren, MI

Visit www.dogshowusa.com, the NBC Universal Store,
and discuss this contest in World Famous Comics' General Forum.
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